Accurate CNC Services

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Going the Extra Mile to Build Genuine Relationships with Manufacturing Customers

At Accurate CNC Services, people are at the core of everything we do.

Not only do we provide dependable, on-time, and low-maintenance service, but we also strive to build genuine relationships with our customers, who define our purpose and drive our passion for top-quality forming and precision machining.

Because we believe so strongly in taking care of “our” people, we’ve adopted a series of non-negotiable customer care standards that we apply to every single job we undertake. 

7 Customer Care Standards You Can Expect from Accurate CNC Services

We don’t just want purchase order after purchase order. We want you to have a great experience with us. Every time.

Here are seven in-house standards you can expect from Accurate CNC Services: 

1. Well-stocked materials inventory

We commonly stock inventory for customers who have tight turnaround requirements. Our on-site materials inventory keeps production running quickly and smoothly.

Following the onset of the pandemic, our busiest customers started requesting weekly inventory reports, and we’ve been happy to keep them apprised of their stock quantities.

2. Made-to-order drawings

Like most precision machine shops, we appreciate it when customers supply a drawing with their CAD files. Drawings provide critical information about dimensions and tolerances that aren’t always present in CAD files.

However, if you don’t provide a drawing, it’s no problem. We’ll create one for you in-house to aid our machinists and quality department.

3. Solution-focused mindset 

We want to do whatever we can to help you and your business thrive because we know that if you’re winning, we’re winning. 

Need to know your different manufacturing options? We’ll provide them. Seeking material insights? We’ll outline your choices and help you navigate the decision process

No problem is too large, and no question is too unusual for our solution-focused team.

4. Ownership of our work 

We take ownership of our work, even when something goes wrong. Should an issue arise, we first fix the problem to the affected customer’s satisfaction. 

But we don’t stop there! We identify the source of the problem and make any adjustments necessary to prevent the error from occurring again.

5. Cleaning and deburring every part 

Because we’re committed to delivering pristine parts, cleaning and deburring are standard steps in our manufacturing process. 

Every single part we produce gets washed or wiped down and deburred before going to inspection. You’ll never receive a dirty or scratched part from us. 

6. Intelligent packaging

Time is money, and intelligent packaging can help you get your newly received components into assembly faster. 

Simply reach out with your packaging specifications, and we’ll arrange your parts for maximum efficiency.

7. Smart scheduling

Our team is dedicated to making parts ahead of schedule, with plenty of time allotted for shipping. 

Smart scheduling means realistic planning, transparency around potential delays, and collaborative communication. 

Case Study: Maintaining Excellence Amid A Global Crisis

The biggest test of our customer care standards came in 2020, when the pandemic threw the entire manufacturing world off its axis.

We knew the futures of Accurate CNC Services and our customers were at stake. We immediately implemented a three-part strategy that would, as the crisis lingered, enable us to thrive even as other shops struggled to survive:

1. Communicating proactively 

In anticipation of our customers’ needs, we proactively contacted our material suppliers, identified areas of concern, and leaned into customer input to begin making material forecasts.

2. Pre-ordering materials

We knew that the only way to stabilize costs and minimize delivery delays was to pre-order enough material for the rest of the year. Because those up-front expenditures weren’t possible for some customers, we shouldered the costs of overstocking. 

One unexpected perk? While securing 10 months of tooling and hardware, we bought so many Heli-Coils that we earned a bulk discount!

3. Ensuring cost transparency 

Material costs shot up quickly, with prices increasing as much as 15-20% overnight in some cases. We worked tirelessly to keep our customers informed by forwarding direct quotes and encouraging open dialogue to facilitate each business’s necessary adjustments and pivots.

Trust Accurate CNC Services to Exceed Your Expectations

Our creative, hardworking team is dedicated to exceeding your expectations with quality parts and timely turnaround. We love what we do and the people we support with our precision machining work.

Most of all, we like arriving at the end of a busy day knowing we made a difference. 

Are you ready to experience the Accurate CNC Services difference for yourself? Request a quote today!