How Custom Installation Templates Simplify Large Assemblies
Once upon a time, our precision machine shop took on the task of manufacturing a Reading Cabin for the Coeur d'Alene children’s library. Under the design wizardry of Architects West, the plywood play space included a faux-stone fireplace composed of 176 puzzle-like pieces. While the Reading Cabin looked enchanting, assembly was certain to feel more like a curse.
So, we designed a series of simple installation templates that saved the day.
Our Approach to Precise Assembly
We’re not magicians, but we do have a few tricks up our sleeves. At Accurate CNC Services, we merge the science of precision with the art of complex assembly.
Step one involved using our Sharpie part-marking technique. We numbered each Reading Cabin piece like chapters in a book. A custom assembly map was the figurative table of contents.
Then came the heroes of our story: the installation templates. CNC laser cut from simple sheets of cardboard, these templates served as the ultimate cheat sheets for the construction crew’s complex assembly services.
Behind the scenes
Picture a plywood “chimney” overlaid with a cardboard template. The template’s cutouts match the unique shapes of the (also plywood) “stones” that will transform the chimney into a kid-friendly fireplace and hearth—no guesswork, no confusion.
With each of the pretend stones affixed in place, all the crew would have left to do is simply pull away the cardboard guide and toss it in the nearest recycle bin.
Options for Installation Templates
Not every assembly is a one-of-a-kind art project like the Reading Cabin. If you build the same assembly over and over, our complex assembly services team can customize reusable templates from thin plastic instead of recyclable cardboard. All you have to do is ask, and we’ll provide a quote for your unique installation templates.
Don’t forget to send us your blueprint package or complete assembly model so we can see how the full assembly fits together. We’ll discuss the project with you to ensure we understand your process. Then, we’ll make templates that perfectly suit your assembly needs.
The Advantages of Installation Templates
“We love this design, but do all these rocks have specific placements, or is this a free-for-all?” That’s what the construction managers wanted to know when they saw the blueprint for 170+ faux stones.
We were thrilled to share our solution. “We’ll be making installation templates for your team, and you’re getting a cheat sheet!”
Example Installation Template
Not only do installation templates serve as a simple guide for assembly, but they also save valuable time. Just ask the general contractor for the Reading Cabin project, who admitted that our installation templates cut their work time by more than 50%!
Hands down, our life-size installation templates make the job easier for assembly and installation crews. And don’t forget our Sharpie and laser part marking solutions for numbering pieces, managing inventory, adding your logo, and more.
Efficient, low-cost, and ingeniously simple, Accurate CNC’s installation templates are a must-have for any complex assembly design.
Simplify Your Next Installation
From CNC machining and metal finishing to prototyping and assembly services, our precision machine shop is equipped to provide exceptional quality and personalized service. We even offer regional fleet delivery that keeps your costs low and your turnaround fast.
Before you go it alone on a big installation project, talk to our team. Installation templates may be the solution you need.